Free Confidential Alcohol Abuse Assessment

This online alcohol screening is strictly for general information purposes and is not a substitute for an in-person clinical evaluation. The screening is free & completely anonymous if you choose. The online alcohol screening takes about 5 minutes and provides general feedback when completed.

Please discuss any questions you may have with your physician or an addiction treatment professional. If you need help finding the right treatment professional or center, please call us.

1. Have you ever lied to or otherwise attempted to deceive friends, family members, or colleagues about how often and/or how much you drink?

2. Have you ever had problems in school, at work, or in social settings as a result of drinking?

3. Have you ever had alcohol-related legal problems, such as being cited for public drunkenness or driving while impaired?

4. Have you ever had an alcohol-related blackout, or awakened after a night of drinking with no memory of what you did while you were drunk?

5. Do you need a drink to get going in the morning, or to relax at night?

6. Do you drink in order to deal with stress, pressure, and other negative experiences?

7. Do you feel as though you need to drink in order to enjoy yourself at parties, sporting events, or other social gatherings?

8. Do you ever plan to have just a drink and end up consuming much more than you originally intended?

9. Have you ever tried and failed to reduce the amount or frequency of your drinking?

10. When you’re not able to have a drink when you want one, or when you’re trying to cut down or stop drinking, do you begin to feel anxious, agitated, or otherwise not right?

11. Have friends or loved ones ever expressed concern to you about your drinking?

12. Are you worried that you might have a problem with alcohol?

Thank you for taking White Deer Run's Alcohol Screening.

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Take a Free Online Assessment

An assessment is an important first step toward treatment of and recovery from addiction.